Results for 'Željko Radinković Petar Bojanić'

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  1.  25
    Carl Schmitt, Der Schatten Gottes: Introspektionen, Tagebücher und Briefe 1921 bis 1924, Hrsg. von Gerd Giesler, Ernst Hüsmert und Wolfgang H. Spindler, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 2014. / Carl Schmitt, Tagebücher 1925 Bis 1929, Hrsg. von Martin Tielke und. [REVIEW]Željko Radinković Petar Bojanić - 2018 - Filozofija I Društvo 29 (4):636-639.
    Carl Schmitt, Der Schatten Gottes: Introspektionen, Tagebücher und Briefe 1921 bis 1924, Hrsg. von Gerd Giesler, Ernst Hüsmert und Wolfgang H. Spindler, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 2014. / Carl Schmitt, Tagebücher 1925 Bis 1929, Hrsg. von Martin Tielke und Gerd Giesler, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2018 Petar Bojanić, Željko Radinković.
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    Recenzije I prikazi. [REVIEW]Željko Senković, Petar Jakopec & Demian Papo - 2013 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 33 (2):353-361.
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    Ethik und Grenzen der narrativen hermeneutik des Selbst von Paul Ricoeur.Zeljko Radinkovic - 2014 - Filozofija I Društvo 25 (4):69-84.
    Der Beitrag besch?ftigt sich mit dem Verh?ltnis von Hermeneutik und Ethik. Im Fokus dieser Betrachtung steht die narrative Hermeneutik des Selbst von Paul Ricoeur und ihr Versuch, mit Hilfe der Hermeneutik eine ethische Dimension der Wiedereinschreibung der narrativen Rekonfiguration der Handlungswelt in diese Handlungswelt selbst zu er?ffnen. Dabei wird auf die Grenzen eines solchen Ansatzes hingewiesen, dies insbesondere im Hinblick auf die dabei gemachten metaphysiklastigen Schritte in Richtung auf eine Position, die hinter der existential- und fundamentalontologischen Fragestellung des von Ricoeur (...)
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    Vorwort.Željko Radinković - 2020 - Filozofija I Društvo 31 (4):513-515.
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    Conflict.Petar Bojanić - 1994 - Theoria 37 (4):19-35.
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    Sacrifice: Mot, institution, devenir-institutionnel. franz rosenzweig et la lutte contre les institutions.Petar Bojanic - 2009 - Filozofija I Društvo 20 (2):59-71.
    Pre nego se 'teorija o radikalnom' Franza Rosencvajga prepozna kao mesijanizam i mozda kao jedna komplikovana i sistematska zurba ka novom vremenu, cini mi se da je vazno da lociramo 'registar zrtvovanja' u ovom sistemu spoznaje. Uostalom, to je prva Rozencvajgova novina u odnosu na tradiciju. Rozencvajg nije ni pokusao niti je imao vremena da detaljno tematizuje figuru 'zrtvovanja' ili korban kao najopstije ime za ovu delatnost. Sve sto imamo jeste nekoliko fragmenata iz razlicitih godina u pismima prijateljima koje Rozencvajg (...)
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    “Care for the recognized knowledge”. The ontic omission of existence as possibility of explicating its positive determinations.Zeljko Radinkovic - 2018 - Filozofija I Društvo 29 (1):65-72.
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    Daseinsanalyse and the question of being in the early Heidegger. Destruction of Husserl‘s concept of consciousness as the absolute being in the sense of the absolute givenness.Zeljko Radinkovic - 2017 - Filozofija I Društvo 28 (3):613-630.
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    Hermeneutics of the other.Zeljko Radinkovic - 2020 - Filozofija I Društvo 31 (4):600-612.
    The article primarily addresses different philosophical views of otherness and tries to question them from a hermeneutic perspective. Above all, the conceptual radicalism of the asymmetrical relationships is criticized through the hermeneutic approach, understood not as mere strategy of appropriating the other or the stranger, but as an open process of understanding, in which the heterogeneity of those involved is subject to constant change, but is nevertheless always maintained. On this basis, the cultural-philosophical, but also social and political relevance of (...)
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    Kritika Klagesa u suvremenoj filozofiji.Željko Radinković - 2023 - Synthesis Philosophica 38 (1):99-108.
    Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Kritik an der Philosophie von Ludwig Klages, die in den 1920-ern Jahren seine Zeitgenossen wie Helmuth Plessner, Georg Misch und etwas später in den 1930-ern Jahren auch Max Bense übten. Der Gegenstand der Kritik war vor allem seine These von der grundlegenden Opposition von Geist und Seele aber auch seine graphologischen Schriften. Im Zentrum der hier vorgelegten Analyse steht die Herausarbeitung der Inkongruenz dieser kritischen Stimmen, die sich darauf bezieht, dass Klages sowohl den naturalistischen (...)
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  11. Fenomenološko-kritička destrukcija problema apriorija kod ranog Hajdegera.Željko Radinković - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (4):251-268.
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  12. God the Revolutionist. On Radical Violence against the First Ultra-leftist.Petar Bojanić - 2008 - Filozofski Vestnik 29 (2):191 - +.
    If we attempt to find signs of messianism within the rebellion as such, if, for example Korah, "contrary to" but always "together with" Benjamin, is the "first left oppositionist in the history of radical politics," then the final and divine violence carried out by God would, in fact, be Benjamin's pure revolutionary violence perpetrated precisely against this first revolutionary. The circulation of the alternative title of this text ("Benjamin's 'Divine Violence' and the case of Korah") within the subtitle ("The Rebellion (...)
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  13.  22
    How to be together beyond corporations and firms? Hegel at the “end of capitalism”.Petar Bojanic - 2017 - Filozofija I Društvo 28 (3):563-578.
    The text examines different assumptions of Hegel?s understanding of the corporation across various versions of his Lectures of the Philosophy of Right, given recent contemporary reflections on?the end of capitalism.? My intention is to take Hegel?s thematization of the poor and poverty, as well as the significance Hegel ascribes to common work and the constitution of a working group as the foundation of civil society, and formulate these as real conditions of a potential reconstruction of the corporative model and new (...)
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  14.  18
    Le pacifisme et « l’éthique de la guerre » chez Rosenzweig.Petar Bojanić - 2011 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 29:109-122.
    Chez Rosenzweig, les politiques de l’usage des guillemets – qui sont certainement une conséquence de sa lecture répétée de Hegel, « le maître des guillemets » – peuvent probablement déterminer une possible « éthique de la guerre » (Ethics of War), dont l’importance a été majeure ces dernières années. Mes propres guillemets au syntagme « éthique de la guerre » expriment une hésitation quant aux interprétations rosenzweigiennes de la guerre et du pacifisme et à leur influence sur la théorie de...
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    "Taking the human out of human rights" human rights or group rights?Petar Bojanic - 2015 - Filozofija I Društvo 26 (3):703-709.
    What interest me are the reasons why?human? or?human rights? could be important or possibly most important in constituting a group? in the subtitle). If I had to justify the existence of the latest debates on nature, justification and universality of human rights, on their distinction from other normative standards, on the philosophy and foundation of human rights, on?Human Rights without Foundations?, then I would immediately conclude that this?process of grandiose concretization? of a complete fabrication is far from over. Despite the (...)
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    Die Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls als eidetische Wissenschaft.Zeljko Radinkovic - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (4):571-594.
    Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit Husserls Lehre von der kategorialen An­schauung als einem der wichtigsten Momente seines Versuchs der Grund­legung der Phänomenologie als eidetischer Wissenschaft. Ausgehend von Husserls phänomenologischen Kritik an Versuchen einer Naturalisierung des Bewusstseins, werden insbesondere die Probleme der Bedeutungs­intention und -erfüllung, des Unterschieds zwischen sinnlicher und kate­gorialer Anschauung, der kategorialen Formung und der sog. Wesens­anschauung erörtert. In diesem Zusammenhang geht es auch um die Abgrenzung des Husserlschen transzendentalphilosophischen Ansatzes von der transzendentalphilosophischen Axiomatik Immanuel Kants.
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    Hajdegerov program pranauke i začeci prevladavanja-udaljenosti od stvari “fenomenologije svesti Edmunda Huserla”.Željko Radinković - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (2):235-244.
    Heideggersche erste Bewegungen in Richtung auf die Funda?mentalontologie lassen sich in seinen Vorlesungen der fr?hen 20er Jahren beobachten. Heidegger versucht darin, sich von dem Logizismus der Husserlschen Bewusstseinsphilosophie zu emanzipieren, indem er ein Konzept der Urwissenschaft entwirft. Die Urwis?senschaft soll bei der vortheoretischen Erfahrung, d. h. bei den vorreflexiven Erlebnissen ansetzen. Sie hat der entlebenden Tendenz der theoretischen Einstellung zum Erlebnis?strom entgegenzuwirken und somit die Voraussetzungen daf?r zu schaffen, eine Viel?falt der lebendigen Erfahrungsweisen zum ausdr?cklichen Verstehen zu bringen. Somit kn?pft (...)
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  18.  27
    Technikfolgenabschätzung im gesellschaft lichen und kulturellen Kontext.Željko Radinković - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (3):323-325.
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    Temporalna uskraćenost bića i mišljenja bića kod Jozefa Keniga u kontekstu fenomenoloških rasprava Huserla i Hajdegera.Željko Radinković - 2012 - Theoria: Beograd 55 (1):31-44.
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  20.  28
    Differences in the Psychological Profiles of Elite and Non-elite Athletes.Petar Mitić, Jasmina Nedeljković, Željka Bojanić, Mirjana Franceško, Ivana Milovanović, Antonino Bianco & Patrik Drid - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    One of the main goals of sport psychology is to identify those psychological factors that are relevant for sport performance as well as possibilities of their development. The aim of the study was to determine whether the set of specific psychological characteristics [generalized self-efficacy, time perspective, emotional intelligence, general achievement motivation, and personality dimensions] makes the distinction between athletes based on their -participation in the senior national team, that is, their belonging to the subsample of elite or non-elite athletes depending (...)
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    Violence and “Counter-Violence”. On Correct Rejection. A Sketch of a Possible Russian Ethics of War Considered through the Understanding of Violence in Tolstoy and in Petar II Petrović Njegoš.Petar Bojanic - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (4):657-668.
    The articles intention is to construct a possible minimal response to violence, that is, to describe what would be justified противонасилие. This argument is built on reviving several important philosophical texts in Russian of the first half of the twentieth century as well as on going beyond that historical moment. Starting with the reconstruction of Tolstoys criticism of any use of violence, it is then shown that, paradoxically, resistance to Tolstoys or pseudo-Tolstoys teachings ends up incorporating Tolstoys thematization of counter-violence (...)
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    Fact of Reason, Social Facts, and Evidence.Petar Bojanić & Igor Cvejić - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 69:85-99.
    The place of evidence regarding joint commitment and plural action is mostly reserved for documents and explicit linguistic expressions. This paper considers the problem of evidence in cases of engaged (jointly committed) social acts where there is no explicit expression or binding document, yet can still be ascribed to a plural subject. The argument rests on the double meaning of the term factum as fact (factum brutum) and deed (factum practica), as well as contemporary debates about the topic of fact (...)
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    Personality Traits and Self-Esteem in Combat and Team Sports.Željka Bojanić, Jasmina Nedeljković, Dušana Šakan, Petar M. Mitić, Ivana Milovanović & Patrik Drid - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Ideja protiinstitucije. Saint-Simon z Jacquesom Derridajem.Petar Bojanić - 2017 - Filozofski Vestnik 38 (2).
    »Protiinstitucija« je »francoska stvar« in je del tistega, kar bi sam poimenoval francoski institucionalizem. Moj namen je tematizirati ta contre ali »proti«, to upiranje instituciji, a hkrati želim rekonstruirati nekaj več kot zgolj upiranje samo. Prvič, contre vedno implicira penser autrement, ki je na neki način povezno z utopijo. Drugič, zdi se mi, da je Saint Simon naš večni sodobnik in da je njegovo razglabljanje o Evropi še vedno aktualno – tako kot včasih je tudi danes Evropa autre chose in (...)
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    Kant: dolg in nič. »Manj od ničle «.Petar Bojanić & Sanja Todorović - 2014 - Filozofski Vestnik 35 (3).
    Znano je, da so negativne velikosti svojo legitimnost od svojega nastanka dalje dobile skozi to, da so bile interpretirane kot dolg. S pretvorbo matematike v prirodoslovje pa je ta interpretacija postala nezadostna. Kantov spis iz leta 1763 o negativnih velikosti predstavlja poskus, da se po vzoru na Eulerjev argument o neizogibnosti iz dela Réflexions sur l'espace et le temps pokaže realnost negativnih velikosti izhajajoč iz tretjega Newtonovega zakona akcije in reakcije. Kantov pojem realne zoperstavljenosti skuša dotedanjo interpretacijo – dolg, spraviti (...)
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    Prevođenja rata u mir - vratiti mirno za drago.Petar Bojanic - 2005 - Filozofija I Društvo 2005 (27):127-161.
    Der Text erforscht den Ursprung und die Geschichte der "Fundamentierung" des Kriegs und seiner "?bertragung" in Frieden auf dem Weg der Gewalt. In einer Analyse des bekannten Syntagmas "Gleiches mit Gleichem vergelten" in einigen Schl?sseltexten, die versuchen, den Frieden zu "institutionalisieren", sucht der Autor nach einer anderen Relation zur Gewalt. Die Interpretation von Jehuda Halevis Gedicht Feindesliebe in der?bersetzung von Franz Rosenzweig ist der wichtigste Orientierungspunkt auf dem Weg zu einem neuen und anderen Frieden.. Tekst istrazuje poreklo i istorije "utemeljenja" (...)
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    Souveränität, pseudo-souveränität, protektionat: am beispiel der staaten im ehemaligen Jugoslawien.Petar Bojanic - 2007 - Filozofija I Društvo 18 (1):141-149.
    Was ist vom Begriff der "Souver?nit?t" geblieben, mit anderen Worten: ist es nach der Schaffung einer Vielzahl kleiner souver?ner Staaten in Osteuropa noch m?glich,?ber die Figur des Souver?ns zu sprechen? Was ist ein Staat sofern er kein Souver?n ist bzw. sofern er nur teilweise ein Souver?n ist? Wieviel Souver?nit?t bedarf es damit ein Staat wirklich souver?n ist? Verhandelt der Internationale Gerichtshof f?r Kriegsverbrechen, die innerhalb des ehemaligen Jugoslawien begangen wurden, de facto die Folgen jener Verbrechen, die die Grundlage der Souver?nit?t (...)
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    What Is 'Victory' in the Orthodox Christian Ethics of War?Petar Bojanić - 2021 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 23 (2):130-144.
    The text reconstructs the protocol of 'victory' as part of the interruption of enmity and establishment of temporary peace. Different understandings of the enemy and enmity imply that victory in war and cessation of conflict can essentially determine the way war is conducted, and that they follow rules of war. Victory is supposed to be a crucial moment that characterizes the ethics of war. Particular testimonies and thematizations of victory in the Orthodox Christian tradition can provide an intro-duction into a (...)
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    Genetika teksta kao genetika trećeg roda XΩPA (triton genos) u tekstovima Jacquesa Derride.Sanja Milutinović-Bojanić & Petar Bojanić - 2005 - Theoria 48 (3-4):61-69.
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    “Understanding opens a wide realm of possibilities...”. Humanities and education in a functionalized world.Christoph Hubig & Zeljko Radinkovic - 2021 - Filozofija I Društvo 32 (4):629-640.
    Starting from Wilhelm Dilthey?s concept of understanding, the article inquires into modes of forming competencies within the experience of reflexive education. In line with moder?nity?s understanding of science, the text designates the role of sciences as instances of po?ssible real values, whereby the spiritual sciences are ascribed the role of giving meaning by broadening horizons. The article questions the ground that allows for spiritual and pedagogical sciences within the commercialization of university teaching and research activities. In all this, functionalization conducts (...)
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    Derrida’s Counter-Institution and Its Ethics of Promise and Responsibility.Petar Bojanić & Andrea Perunović - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (1):169-180.
    In this article, we consider Derrida’s grasp on counter-institution and outline a peculiar modality of ethics that it engenders. After evoking his counter-institutional public engagements in the introduction, we begin an analysis of the word counter-institution. In the first place, the polysemy of its prefix “counter” is exposed, followed by the claim that in Derrida’s philosophy this term denotes proximity and contact, rather than opposition – thus determining the architecture of the counter-institution. Furthermore, we discuss Derrida’s critique of traditional, sovereign (...)
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    Alergologias. De Uma Analogia da Soberania aos Atributos da Violência.Petar Bojanić - 2010 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (35):143-167.
    This paper is a reconstruction of Levinas’ reading of Hegel and his understanding of violence. Combining Franz Rosenzweig’s reflections which concem the sick philosopher and Hegel’s State, as well as Derrida’s interpretation of the different attributes of violence, our aim is also to give full evidence of Derrida’s critical reading of Levinas. The first part illustrates the various classifications of the figures of violence from the different periods of Hegel’s life and the traces that these figures have left in Levinas’ (...)
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  33. Ėtika voĭny v stranakh pravoslavnoĭ kulʹtury.Petar Bojanić (ed.) - 2022 - Sankt-Peterburg: "Vladimir Dalʹ".
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    Introduction.Petar Bojanić & Snježana Prijić-Samaržija - 2014 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 10 (2):5-6.
    The main aim of this article is to analyze a recent text by Nenad Miščević dealing with social epistemology in the context of Foucault's theory of knowledge. In the first part, we briefly note Miščević's thoughts on the difference between analytic and continental philosophy and his thoughts on the latter. In the second part, we analyze both Miščević’s thesis about Foucault's dual understanding of knowledge and his placement of social epistemology as a proper framework for Foucault’s concept of “new” knowledge. (...)
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  35. " L'institution revolutionnaire". On" Overthrow" Violence and Institution in Gilles Deleuze.Petar Bojanic & Vladan Dokic - 2011 - Filozofski Vestnik 32 (1):223 - +.
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    » L'institution révolutionnaire «O» prevratu «, nasilju in instituciji pri Gillesu Deleuzu.Petar Bojanić & Vladan Đokić - 2011 - Filozofski Vestnik 32 (1).
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    Nasilje, Figure Suverenosti.Petar Bojanić - 2007 - Institut Za Filozofiju I Društvenu Teoriju.
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    Of “reversal,” on revolutional: Violence and the institution.Petar Bojanic & Vladan Djokic - 2011 - Filozofija I Društvo 22 (2):157-171.
    Interesuje nas, prednost koju Delez daje sintagmi?revolucionarna institucija? u odnosu na manje originalnu sintagmu?institucionalna revolucija?. Delez nekoliko puta upotrebljava u svojim tekstovima?revolucionarna institucija?, sigurno sasvim svestan da ova sintagma ima jednu prilicno haoticnu i nejasnu istoriju tokom post-revolucionarnog perioda, ali i da je ona savrseno u duhu Sanzistovih namera. Treba da proverimo da li ova sintagma najbolje opisuje jednu Delezovu imaginarnu teoriju institucije, ali i njegov angazman u teoriji uopste. Preeliminarna teskoca, koja automatski dovodi u pitanje i devalvira nasu intervenciju, (...)
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    The enemy, his gestalt of animal.Petar Bojanic - 2003 - Filozofija I Društvo 2003 (22):213-230.
    The main cause of Schmitt?s and Koj?ve?s friendship, and consequently, their correspondence, lies in their common affinity for philosophy of Hegel. When they began corresponding in 1955, Schmitt was something of an academic pariah; in 1933, the legal scholar had joined the Nazi Party, publicly declared his anti-Semitism, was later interrogated at Nuremberg, and retired from his post at the University of Berlin in 1946. After his famous lectures on Hegel?s Phenomenology ended in 1939, Koj?ve joined the Resistance. At the (...)
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    Violence and Messianism: Jewish Philosophy and the Great Conflicts of the Twentieth Century.Petar Bojanić & Edward Djordjevic - 2017 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Edward Djordjevic.
    Violence and Messianism looks at how some of the figures of the so-called Renaissance of "Jewish" philosophy between the two world wars - Franz Rosenzweig, Walter Benjamin and Martin Buber - grappled with problems of violence, revolution and war. At once inheriting and breaking with the great historical figures of political philosophy such as Kant and Hegel, they also exerted considerable influence on the next generation of European philosophers, like Lévinas, Derrida and others. This book aims to think through the (...)
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    Verrat und Hochverrat. Das Paradox der Repräsentation bei Thomas Hobbes.Petar Bojanic - 2011 - In Hans Rainer Sepp, Andreas Hetzel & Burkhard Liebsch, Profile Negativistischer Sozialphilosophie: Ein Kompendium. Akademie Verlag. pp. 309-325.
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    Acting Compassionately.Petar Bojanić, Igor Cvejić & Olga Nikolić - 2022 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (4):813-830.
    Our main goal is to describe the structure of engaged acts and compassion and their constitutive interrelation to explicate the key role of engaged and compassionate acts for group constitution. In the first part of the paper, we formulate our guiding idea: the key to understanding compassion lies in understanding engagement and vice versa. We then consider the problematic nature of engaged acts: On the one hand, they do not meet the conditions to be attributed to the plural subject; on (...)
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    Institucija grupe i genocidna delovanja.Petar Bojanić - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (3).
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    Thomas Hobbes on betrayal of the fatherland.Petar Bojanić - 2022 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 11 (1):421-440.
    My intention is to demonstrate how Hobbes’ attempts to adapt two ancient institutions from Roman Law to his own time and knowledge of theology and philosophy. Treason could be quite significant within the context of Hobbes’ understanding of the figure of the sovereign and sovereignty. The central part of the text is an endeavor to ascertain the source and unconditional condition for treason as such, within the framework of Hobbes’ theory of representation which he writes about in Chapter 16 of (...)
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    Violence as the Origin of Institution (Deleuze with Hume and Saint-Just).Petar Bojanic - 2012 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 25 (1):79-90.
    The relation between violence and the institution was truly thematized for the first time in the writings of Hume, and in an entirely different way in Saint-Just's texts on the Republic and the institution. Gilles Deleuze's early works represent an original attempt at reconstruction of a possible dialogue between these two dissimilar authors. Regardless of the possibility of reconstruction of Deleuze's own theory of the institution , and analysis of the various combinations of the terms institution and revolution, the intention (...)
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    The acts of project(ion) / project acts or projacts.Petar Bojanić - 2019 - Rivista di Estetica 71:92-100.
    I am interested in the epistemological status of «project(ion)», that is, the «act» or «strategy» of project(ion) in relation to various didactic protocols usually associated with an «author» and her intention or production. What is a plan, program, plot, platform, concept, conception, or even «meta-project»? Is a project or projection necessarily an «architectural matter»? Is it a prototypically Western or European procedure of specific use of time and space (literally, throwing forth into space/time)? I will attempt to explain some passages (...)
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    Conceptual Analysis and Empirical Data.Petar Iaquinto Bojanić - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 69:3-6.
    Suppose you want to find out whether truth is a necessary condition for knowledge. What method should you apply? According to many philosophers, it is hard to see what kind of empirical data you could ever rely on. The best way to proceed – they continue – is to examine hypothetical circumstances in order to test our intuitions as to the correct application of the concept of knowledge. Can you imagine a case in which a given cognitive agent knows something (...)
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    Institutional change and the paradox of (restitution and) restauration of the institution.Petar Bojanic - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (4):465-477.
    My intention in this text is to present the most significant contribution of some French philosophers and anthropologists to the notion of reconstruction and advancement of institutions. The paradox of change, reform or transformation of the institution – is an entirely new institution possible? How do institutions die? – lies in the difficulty or even impossibility to change something that manifests what we are as a group. If institutions really present or represent the relations among all of us, how can (...)
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  49. Alegologias de uma analogia da soberania aos atributos da violéncia.Petar Bojanic - 2010 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 35:143-170.
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  50.  84
    'Cet arrière-goût de violence': On violence against violence.Petar Bojanic - 2010 - Filozofija I Društvo 21 (1):51-63.
    Pokusacu da objasnim vezu izmedju nasilja, potom mog ili Levinasovog ili drzavnog nasilja kao odgovora na ovo prvo nasilje i na kraju, nasilja koje preostaje u ustima, u grlu, u ukusu [gout] ili u gadjenju [degout]. 'Cet arri?re-go?t de violence' ili 'un quelconque arri?re-go?t de degout' [neki zaostali ukus gadjenja; a sort of aftertaste of disgust].
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